Trust Me If You Can't

In juxtaposition to the common social agenda where the majority of media coverage of women reflects a faulty image of perfection, this show is able to bring out a sense of the fragility of identity in its varying shades, confronting the stiff ideals which continue to strive in social imagination. The exhibition forces us to trust the elusive, yet haunting impressions we get from the artistic portraits equally as much as we ought to trust all other portraits of women we might encounter from the media or our preconceived experiences .
The title insists on another reality where everything is not to be grasped – it brings about the sensation that we fail to see the depths of the female soul because we are always only seeing the mere representations instead.

Like a breeze rippling through our minds and bodies the show offers a glimpse into this scarcely recognised realm of female identity. One should feel it in the air - intimacy, darkness, pain, emptiness, emotions, tears, absurdness, selfless love, the lowest bottom and the highest sky of the female soul. All these are portraits of every woman. And yet, as with icebergs, their full identity and power remains hidden. And it better rest untouched.